Chair Yoga
Monday Morning, 6:00 AM PT
This is a gentle class to help you start your day. A great class for those who want to have an enriching yoga experience, but find it difficult to get on the floor or balance. I will help you achieve wellness by showing you ways to increase your strength, flexibility, and range of motion.
Benefits of chair yoga include:
• Improved Proprioception
• Reduced Stress
• Reduced Pain
• Improved Pain Management Skills
• Better Sleep
Delivered by Zoom:

Gentle Morning Flow

Wednesday Morning, 6:30 AM PT
This is a gentle floor yoga class to help you start your day that will include breathing, meditation, and poses to warm up the body. All poses are on the floor. A great class for people who may find it difficult to do standing poses or inversions.
Delivered at Refresh on the Mountain Yoga Studio:
Family Yoga & Hatha-Vinyasa Flow
Saturday morning, 8:30 AM PT
8:30-10:00 am
The first 1/2 hour will be movement for parents and kids. Then the kids will do a structured activity with Crystal Martinez while I lead the parents in a hatha-vinyasa flow.
Hatha means balance and Vinyasa means flow. This is a traditional Hatha class that will include flow sequences such as Surya Namaskar (sun salutations); Virabradrasana (warrior) series (I, II, III, Peaceful, and Humble); Trikonasana (triangle) poses; standing balancing poses, forward folds, and more. Warm up, challenging flow, and cool down, concluding with Savasana and guided meditation.
Delivered outside at The Treasure Box & Co
at 23621 Manzanita Road, Crestline, CA. 92325.
$15 for parent yoga + breakfast
Also, donation for kids activity and snack
If you don’t have a mat, you can buy one from me for $20

Power Yoga

Tuesday Evening, 6:00 PM PT
Get ready to sweat and work your body in this class! Vigorous flow that includes strength poses for the upper body, standing and balancing poses, flows with creative transitions, binds, deep stretches, and arm balances. Warm up, flow, and cool down, concluding with Savasana and guided meditation.
Delivered at Refresh on the Mountain:
Getting Ready for Bed Yoga: Meditation, Breathing, and Gentle Movement
Thursday Night, 8:00 PM PT
Each week of meditation centers around a theme or a lesson. Each session starts off with guided meditation on the chakras, study on the chosen theme, introduction of hand mudra, breathing, meditation, some gentle stretching, then stillness accompanied by music. Come prepared to find deep relaxation for a beautiful night of rest.
FREE CLASS, donation only:
1/2 of all money donated goes to charity. Donations for this class will go to
Delivered by Instagram Live:

Private Lessons

Contact for Availability
Private sessions are excellent for the beginner student that is learning the fundamentals of breathing, alignment, and how to engage safely in poses. They are also excellent for the more experienced student with specific goals or a desire to advance his or her practice. Session content is tailored to the student’s individual needs and goals.